Ioan HORGA is PhD Professor and vice-dean of the Faculty of History, International Relation, Political Science and Communication, University of Oradea. During 2008 – 2020 he was the dean of the Faculty; during 2007 – 2008 he was vice-rector at the University of Oradea, in charge with International Relations and Communitation; and during 2000 – 2007 he was the director of the Department of International Relations and European Studies, University of Oradea.
Professor Horga has a BA in History (“Babeș – Bolyai” University, Cluj – Napoca) and a PhD in History (University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France).

Since 2000, professor Horga is delivering courses on „History of the European Idea”, „Models of Regional Development” at the Faculty of History, International Relation, Political Science and Communication. Over the years, he was, also, guest professor at different universities – for example, University of Montpellier 1 (France) or University of Wroclaw (Poland) – where he taught courses on „European Cohesion Policy” and „Romanian Integration in EU: Present and Future”. Since 1998 he is associate professor at University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France) on disciplines as „Regional Development Policy” and „Central and Eastern Europe in Transition”.

Member of the scientific committee of the Master Program “Specialists in the Field of Integration and European Neighborhood Policies” – University of Reims, France (since 2001) and of the European Master Program “Building of Europe” – University of Siena, Italy (since 2003), professor Horga is, since 2002, Jean Monnet professor of the Jean Monnet Department of Euroregional Studies and the director of the Master of „Euroregional Studies”, University of Oradea, Romania. Since 2010 he is PhD coordinator in International Relations and Security Studies at “Babeș – Bolyai” University, Romania.

Author of six books, coordinator of dozens of books, articles and book chapters, professor Horga is a member of the scientific committee of The Romanian Journal of International Relations and European Studies (ROJIRES) (since 2012) and member of the editorial staff of some foreign publications and publishers (from Belgium, Italy, Portugal, etc.).

Since 2008, professor Horga has been a member in more than 10 Jean Monnet modules and projects implemented by the teaching staff from the University of Oradea.