Alina – Carmen BRIHAN is a PhD lecturer in the Department of Political Science and Communication Sciences, University of Oradea, President of the Commission for Students and Social Affairs from the University of Oradea’s Senate and member of the Member of the Council of the Department of Political Science and Communication Sciences (Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communication Sciences; Oradea University).
With a degree in Political Science (“Babeș – Bolyai” University, Cluj – Napoca) and Law (University of Oradea), she is specialized in International Relations (“Babeș – Bolyai” University, Cluj – Napoca) and European Studies (University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France), and since 2015 he has a PhD in History from the University of Oradea. Since 2020 she also has a post-doctoral degree in History, from the University of Oradea.
Since 2005, Alina – Carmen Brihan has gained practical experience in the field of political advising, as a parliamentary adviser (for parliamentarians from the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, the Romanian Parliament), as an assistant to the European Parliament, as a campaign coordinator or as a communication adviser for local and national elections. She is also certified in lobby and advocacy.
In the last 17 years, she has also gained professional experience in writing and implementing projects with a local, national and international funding (PHARE, CNCSIS, CEEX, UNDP, POSDRU, etc.), as a project director or as a member of the research teams, as well as in various project activities, as a lecturer or trainer in the field of communication.
Regarding the research activity, Alina – Carmen Brihan is the author, co-author or coordinator of 6 specialized books and author of over 40 articles and reviews published in nationally and internationally recognized journals.
Also, between 2003 and 2004, she was a Teaching Development Program (TDP) ‘s Fellow (Civic Education Project – Romania & Bulgaria Program, Open Society Institute) and Returning Scholars Fellowship Program (RSFP)’ s Fellow (Academic Felowship Program, Higher Education Support Program (Open Society Institute) (2004 – 2005), and since 2018 she is the coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module “Raising Awareness and Strengthening the Use of Mechanisms for Influencing the EU Decision-Making”, Erasmus + Program – Jean Monnet Activities, funded by the European Commission for the period 2018 – 2021.