Academic aim:
The aim of the course is to develop the understanding of the EU’s multilevel governance system, with a focus on the different actors (from different levels and sectors) and the process of influencing the EU decision-making in each of these levels, in order to prepare the students for participation in EU’s multilevel decision-making process, from the local to the European level, in accordance with their own specialization (BA) background.
Target group:
This course is addressed to the MA students from several programs from the Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communication Sciences.
Learning objectives:
- to familiarize the students with the main theoretical approaches on the EU’s multilevel governance, with a particular focus on: its openness to the mechanisms of participation and influencing the EU decision-making process; the role of the actors (from different levels and sectors) in this process; the formulation process of the European public policies;
- to familiarize the students with channels and instruments available for the actors (from different levels and sectors), for participation in the EU’s multilevel governance and for influencing the EU decision-making process;
- to enhance the students’ understanding of the features of the European, national, regional and local governance.
Structure of the course:
- The EU’s multilevel governance: concept, features, actors, challenges. The EU decision-making process, after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon: EU institutions and bodies, EU inter-institutional relations, the European legal order.
- The formulation and implementation of the European public policies – between the European and national levels. Europeanization, competences, policy process, agenda-setting, the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.
- The national and European citizenship: rights, obligations and participation. The representative and participative democracy in the EU. Towards an European, multilevel, active citizenship. The citizens: channels and instruments for influencing the EU decision-making process.
- The national, regional and local levels in the EU’s multilevel governance: public authorities – their place and role in influencing the EU decision-making process.
- The civil society’s organizations and the business enterprises – their place and role in influencing the EU decision-making process. Lobbying the EU institutions
- The traditional and new media, national and local – their role in the public opinion formation on the EU matters. The national and European public opinion – the degree of support for the EU’s and national institutions, policies and mechanisms.
- The European and national officials’ communication strategies on the EU matters.
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- Other up-to-date books.
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- Atkinson, Rob, “The White Paper on European Governance: Implications for Urban Policy”, în European Planning Studies, vol. 10, nr. 6, 2002.
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