Academic aim:
The aim of the training course is to raise awareness and to strengthen the use of mechanisms for influencing the EU decision-making by the junior students and high-school pupils. The argument for this approach is that, at the end of their undergraduate education (when they may enter the job market) or at the beginning of their postgraduate education (when they specialize for their future profession), the pupils/students need to be exposed to the way in which the European framework functions, and particularly in their future domain of specialization, in order to become active participants in it.
Target group:
This summer course is addressed to junior BA students from different faculties from the University of Oradea and to high-school pupils from Bihor county’s high-schools.
Learning objectives:
- to familiarize the pupils/students with the features of the European, national, regional and local governance;
- to familiarize with the channels and instruments available for them for participation in the EU’s multilevel governance and for influencing the EU decision-making process, in their future domain of specialization;
- to develop competences regarding the use of channels and instruments available to them, in order to influence the EU decision-making process, in their future domain of specialization.
Structure of the course:
- The EU’s multilevel governance: regulatory framework, decision-making, public policies, levels (local, regional, national, European).
- Actors, mechanisms and instruments for influencing the EU decision-making.
- The exercise of the national, Romanian, governance: regulatory framework, decision-making, public policies.
- The Romanian level: Actors, mechanisms and instruments for influencing the EU decision-making.
- The local governance in Romania: regulatory framework, decision-making, public policies.
- The local level (Bihor county): Actors, mechanisms and instruments for influencing the EU decision-making.
- The civil society’s organizations – their place and role in influencing the EU decision-making process.
- The business enterprises – their place and role in influencing the EU decision-making process.
- Lobbying the EU institutions.
- Intercultural communication and negotiation at EU level.
- International public relations and EU diplomacy.